My Wife Lindsey Hitting Her Monster Bong
4 years ago
My Wife Lindsey, Hitting Her Monster Bong BigAssGlass piece. Last conversation I had with the owner of the site: Non-sexual nudity is okay. No genitals, female pubic hair, and butts of both sexes are okay. But no pornography. If you can't verify to the site that the person is of age and consenting to the content, it will be removed for safety. If you post any topless videos or pictures of your own, make sure to include the age of the person, the relation to you, and a statement that they "Consent and approve" of the post. My wife Lindsey is 26, she consents and approves of this video post.
Pruning Marijuana Plants For Yield - Removing The
4 years ago
Lower stems that appears useful now will soon become dwarfed by new growth. Removing this plant material early can promote more growth in more useful portions of the plant. Using the right scissors will make pruning and trimming your harvest much more enjoyable. Fiskars makes several great options for the home marijuana grower. Here are the links for both of my recommended scissors: the pointy one:​ the pink more conventional duck edition scissors as a six pack with pointy tips: To Order the Best products:
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