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Do not send money to anyone promising to ship Cannabis, report such ads. Currently few locations legally allow for Cannabis transactions between private parties. For your protection, be sure any transactions between you and other parties are legally allowed to take place

Price: 1300.00 white rinho

Product Details:

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White Rhino is a hybrid marijuana strain bred from White Widow and North American Indica, resulting in a bushy and stout plant. This strain is said to descend from cultivars sourced from Afghanistan, Brazil, and India. White Rhino's high THC content makes it a popular choice among consumers looking for heavy-handed relaxation and symptom relief contact +13025668754)or wicker me (merrickgeorge)

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Thumbnail for video titled Why Do People Smoke Marijuana? Watch Video
Why Do People Smoke Marijuana?

5 years ago



Like my videos? Show some love here x3: https://www.paypal.me/BrittanySmokesWeed -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- "SUBSCRIBE" To Brittany Smokes Weed for more (: "LIKE" this video if you've ever had a nightmare ): Hey guys, here is a video explaining why I Smoke Weed everyday. and My Chronic Nightmares. Why do you guys, girls, and people smoke weed? Just to relieve stress or another medical condition? Drop a Comment and let me know. Let's talk about weed! Share this vid with your loved ones who suffer from chronic nightmares ): MY SOCIAL MEDIA: My ART BLOG: http://hxcdesigns.tumblr.com/ TUMBLR: http://hxc-riot.tumblr.com/ FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/hxc.riot SNAPCHAT: stoner-loner

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Thumbnail for video titled Another good weed vs bad weed video Watch Video
Another good weed vs bad weed video

7 years ago



Some dude talking about what he thinks about good weed vs bad weed

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Stoners.org Cannabis Social Network