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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few answers to frequently asked questions


Potspace is a free website to use. If in the event we ever decide to charge anything to be a member, it would only be a small optional amount that those who wish to support us can choose to pay and receive extra features. For now however that option doesn't exist but it is free to signup and use your website.


Although we hate to hear anyone wanting to delete their account on our website, we understand and respect everyone's decision to do so. The process of deleting your account is not automated for security purposes. Please contact support with your email address and we will get back to you to confirm that you want to delete your account prior to us removing it.


While there are no official guidelines governing an age requirement for being a member on a marijuana friendly social site, we ask that our members refrain from signing up until at least their 21st birthday. Members found on our website to be younger will have their accounts removed. While we understand that many adults start consuming marijuana at a age younger than 21, we are trying to protect our business by only accepting legal adults to participate.


We do not tolerate harassment towards our members. If you are being harassed by another member please contact us immediately so we can investigate your report of harassment. While we don't enjoy removing our valued members, we also want our members to respect one another and feel comfortable while they're using our website


Most people earn their Potspace XP by simply doing various tasks day-to-day such as logging in, uploading a photo or a video, sending a message, etc. We also offer our VIP members a monthly Potspace XP bonus.


Absolutely not! We understand there are some legit growers among us, but there are also individuals looking to rip people off by promising to send Cannabis upon receipt of payment with no intention of ever doing so. Besides also being illegal in the United States where our business is located, most people don't want to be bombarded by sales offers. We remove all accounts that violate this provision.

Still Confused?

Contact us if you still have any question.

Thumbnail for video titled Weed Chocolates! (75mg) Watch Video
Weed Chocolates! (75mg)

7 years ago



Like my videos? Show some love here x3: https://www.paypal.me/BrittanySmokesWeed -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- "SUBSCRIBE" To Brittany Smokes Weed for more (: "LIKE" this vid for another challenge. *I am a medical patient in the state of Colorado* Thanks for stopping by! Today I challenged myself to eat 75mgs of weed. Also doing a review of Dixie Chocolate Truffles. Picked these up at Pure Intentions in Colorado Springs. Check them out, they have a wide variety of edibles! *This is not an overdose video* Taste: 6.3/10 Head high: 6/10 Body High: 8.8/10 MY SOCIAL MEDIA: My ART BLOG: http://hxcdesigns.tumblr.com/ TUMBLR: http://hxc-riot.tumblr.com/ FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/hxc.riot SNAPCHAT: stoner-loner

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Stoners.org Cannabis Social Network