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February 10th 2020, 2:11pm
Al Rasta
Нью-Йорк, NY
Since: Feb 2020
Posts: 1
Cannabis calendar

Hi!I have an idea to create an app, which helps to organize effectively recreational and medical usage of cannabis and track your smoking activity during some period of time (week, month, year).Simply, it's a calendar where you tag days when you have to smoke, you can mark what species, sort, how much you smoked, what feelings and effects you got, and how much money you spent on that. And also you can mark about your state of health in next days.Thanks to that, you can track your activity and expenditures.Also, special self-learning algorithm will provide you some recommendations based on your activity about what to smoke and when (based on your preferencies), or to refrain from it for some days.I want to know, is this idea interesting for you. Do you have some more ideas about what features this app also should have? Would you pay for subscription for recommendations and what price is reasonable? All your feedback will be very important!

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