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Potspace Forums
January 27th 2020, 1:50pm
New York, NY
Since: Aug 2006
Posts: 28
Looking for some volunteers

Hey guys and girls, we are currently looking for any volunteers that want to help us with launching Potspace this year. What we need help with, is for one or two people to help us go through the site and see what isn't working properly, or perhaps if there is a broken link, or even a better way to do something on here. Feature suggestions are always welcome. Maybe there is a typo somewhere, or a link to report spam doesn't seem to be working, etc.

The sooner we can get everything fixed, the sooner we can start bringing in tons of new members through advertising and marketing. Help us make something really cool! Peace

February 22nd 2020, 2:02pm
DIY Marijuana SEO
New Orleans, LA
Since: Mar 2019
Posts: 74

Your site is great, but I'd strongly recommend more edit functions for the administer of a forum post. I'd love to go back to my posts and have the ability to edit them and correct broken links or include an image or maybe update the content. Other than that your site looks great and think it will go far. Good luck this year!


February 25th 2020, 2:38pm
New York, NY
Since: Aug 2006
Posts: 28

Ok, I went ahead and added those suggestions you mentioned. Now you can thumbs up a post, and you can edit a post or edit a reply that you made. To edit the post, click the edit link (upper right (three dots...)) but for the replies, you can simply click the text and an inline editor will appear.

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Thumbnail for video titled CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1) Watch Video
CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1)

7 years ago



This is a really good documentary that I've had my parents watch. It's reported by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. If you've never seen it, definitely give it a watch. I'm going to also upload parts, 2 thru 4.

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