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Do not send money to anyone promising to ship Cannabis, report such ads. Currently few locations legally allow for Cannabis transactions between private parties. For your protection, be sure any transactions between you and other parties are legally allowed to take place

Looking for a rommate to share a home

Product Details:

Just looking for a good person, male or female, who is mature and works. This is for a non-smoking room. You can smoke outside if you need to smoke but I prefer a sane person who has no drug addictions and won't have a problem paying the rent each month on-time.

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Thumbnail for video titled CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1) Watch Video
CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1)

7 years ago



This is a really good documentary that I've had my parents watch. It's reported by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. If you've never seen it, definitely give it a watch. I'm going to also upload parts, 2 thru 4.

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Stoners.org Cannabis Social Network