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Do not send money to anyone promising to ship Cannabis, report such ads. Currently few locations legally allow for Cannabis transactions between private parties. For your protection, be sure any transactions between you and other parties are legally allowed to take place

moonrock strain

Product Details:

Our special moonrocks or lunar rocks hits hard and evenly. this moonrocks marijuana are great relaxant and is best for creativity, in fact they will send you to space. These amazing weed strains are made from carefully selected Indica-dominant strains. Moon rocks are favored worldwide for its extensive powers to alleviate bodily pains and simultaneously excite the brain. It washes away depressive episodes just as well as it relieves long-challenging back pains. check us on our site marijuanaonline420.com

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Thumbnail for video titled Very 1st Wooden 420 Pipe We Ever Made Watch Video
Very 1st Wooden 420 Pipe We Ever Made

4 years ago



This is the very first wooden 420 pipe we ever made. We kept it and still use it today!

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Thumbnail for video titled CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1) Watch Video
CNN Weed Documentary (Part 1)

6 years ago



This is a really good documentary that I've had my parents watch. It's reported by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. If you've never seen it, definitely give it a watch. I'm going to also upload parts, 2 thru 4.

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Stoners.org Cannabis Social Network